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Building a Nation by Educating Our Girls

Photo by Annie Spratt

Student Support


Community Education

​Child Marriage in Niger: 

Around 76% of women in Niger are married before their 18th birthday, the highest concentration of child marriage in the world. While this practice is illegal, lack of prosecution and poverty.

How to End the Cycle:

Support the Education and Safety of Women

We support our girls by encouraging them to complete their education and by providing them with scholarship or other material support necessary for their education.


Appeal to Parents and Community Leaders
We believe parents will choose bright futures for their daughters over early marriage if they understand how valuable a completed education will be for the long term successes of their families, communities, and Niger. 


Dr. Mamadou Moustapha

Founder and Executive Director

Give Her A Chance

Dr. Mamadou Moustapha was inspired to create Give Her A Chance by his own childhood memories in Zinder, Niger. He watched as an intelligent and hard working classmate was forced out of school and into child marriage, thus ending her chances at a productive and self-sufficient life. Dr. Moustapha wants this practice to end in his home country. The time is now.

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